l'oiseau fait son nid
'buela Sarah and baby Kyler in the garden
'buela Sarah's lovely house and garden.
I traveled light for this trip. My luggage consisted of whatever I could squeeze into a red Jansport backpack. Most of my clothes are draped over that headboard. Nice!
'buela Sarah's Wheels
I searched every inch of that car (i.e. the seats, floor, trunk, tires, glove compartment etc.) for an emblem or word indicating the make and model. There was nothing. What the heck is that?!?!
I was hesitant about driving during this trip, because last summer I totaled a guy's car during a road trip to Florida. Ooops. So I'm not a great driver, but I had no choice. I caught 'buela Sarah dozing off at the wheel. Nice! So I made her pull over, bought her a cafe con leche, and took the keys. Needless to say 'buela Sarah was not impressed with my driving . Whenever I sped up she would put her hand on my shoulder and say, "Tranquilla Maria!" My bad. Lo siento.
After lunch I would take naps in this hammock and listen to the rain. It would rain religiously every afternoon. Then the sun would reappear and we would drive back to the beach to swim and lay out. It was one of the most relaxing vacations, because I did nothing but nothing.
At the Beach
I could spend hours watching the waves roll in and trying to predict whether or not it was going to be a big one. Some people would consider this activity way too redundant, but I'm weird. I think it's fun.
I also dove off some rocks while I was there. Jessica was not too happy about that, because she was tired and not it the mood to drive me to the hospital if I got hurt. I ended up hiking to the top alone and left her with my camera.
I was a little scared and hesitant. Then this old Puerto Rican man advised me not to think, "No piense!" That was that. I didn't think about it - I just did it. And man do you get some serious hang time. That was the most incredible sensation - falling, hovering, catching air, completely letting myself go. That was the closest I've ever come to feeling truly free. It was amazing.
One last pic of Jess and me. Thanks for letting me tag along. Hope I wasn' t too much of a pain in the arse.
Not a huge fan of the color. It's way too subtle. On the other hand the texture is awesome. It's just a little slippery, but easy and fun to work with. Just a couple of pictures of the work in progress.
Tah dah! Yes, it is another beret. Hats are so addictive. I really need to stop. What am I going to do with that Banana Silk?!?!